DRAW THE WEEDS: 4-week course starting October 2 (standard tuition)

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Draw the weeds.png
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DRAW THE WEEDS: 4-week course starting October 2 (standard tuition)


$80/120/160 sliding scale tuition

Mondays, 7:00-9:00pm Central Time, starting October 2

Our brains evolved to recognize patterns in the places we inhabit: to recognize food, to find home, to seek safety. How can we consciously explore this innate capacity for perception and creative response? How can drawing help us learn about the natural world through our bodies (and not just our brains)?

This 4-week course combines experimental drawing techniques with the “patterns method” of plant identification. You will learn tips for identifying common plants based on easy-to-recognize family patterns, and practice drawing techniques that will develop your skills of sensing and expressing. This class is designed to be a supportive environment suitable for people with a wide range of skills and experience.

Come with your curiosity, your care, and your desire to learn through play.

Leave the course with a personal plant ID guide, greater confidence in observational and experimental drawing, and new ways of entering into relationship with the more-than-human world.


Join me for this special pilot course!

Info on sliding scale tuition:

Self-select the amount of tuition that feels right for you, considering the resources you have access to at this time.

$80 /// reduced rate

$120 /// standard

$160 /// supporting

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